Dear Gracelife Chapel,

As your pastor I feel the duty to provide some tools for you to discover our American history that is no longer being taught in our public schools, to inform you of your rights, and to equip you to speak up and to take action as the Lord leads you as a citizen of our great country. This is not an exhaustive list of resources and I will attempt to add more as time goes on. 

Thank you for being a church who cares about our future life in heaven and our current life on earth. If not you then who? If not now then when? My prayer is that God will bless America through you.


Pastor Dan




    by Dave Meyer | In his eye-opening book Freedom Is Costly, But Priceless, Dave Meyer reveals how America lost its way, and what we can do to fulfill our patriotic responsibilities and restore our nation. What we know or don’t know about our nation’s heritage will determine what we do or don’t do with our moment of history—and it will make all the difference in our destiny as individuals and as a nation.

  • PROVIDENCE FORUM | Read stories of God's providence in forming our great country and use the “Explore Select a Topic” feature to read perspectives on current events and our Christian heritage.

  • TRUTHS THAT TRANSFORM | Dr. James Kennedy founded a media outlet before his passing that continues to promote the Biblical principles our nation was founded upon, addresses current events from a Christian and moral position and often provides historical information that has been buried.

  • AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW & JUSTICE | Know Your Rights as a Christian in America. Get informed by reading these blogs to know your rights under the Constitution of the United States to gather, to worship, to free speech without fear of retribution, to protest and much more.

  • WATCH FORMER GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE | Mike will make you laugh and also give you some good Christian perspective on the current events in our world. He was a former pastor before entering the political scene and has a kind heart toward everyone displaying civility towards those whom he disagrees with. You must create a free account on TBN to watch shows online but it only takes a minute or two to sign up.