Hello Legacy Team!
Wow! What a noteworthy night we shared together at our new DeSoto Location. Paige and I got to hear from many of you after the gathering and your faith and encouragement made us even more excited about the next season God has planned for us at Gracelife Chapel. I wish I could have talked with each and everyone of you.
God is saying, “Trust me, follow me” and that is what we will continue to do. Your faithfulness in putting God first with the tithe and to give sacrificially in our Legacy Celebration Offering enables us to keep growing and expanding God’s great church. Paige and I are so thankful for you.
Here’s a few important details and dates:
November 2 & 3 - Legacy Team Vision Tours of SoCo/Keller Plaza
Tours both days are at 3:30p, 4:15p, 5p and 5:45p.
Click here to register for a time that works best for you.
Legacy Celebration Offering is December 3-4, 2022
Below are some SoCo Renderings you can download and be praying over.
We appreciate how you all carry the burden with us to bring grace and life into more communities for Jesus. Your giving propels the vision God has given us forward. Let’s all continue to stay in prayer about our part to play and believe big as we get closer to our Legacy Celebration Offering. Also, if you would like to give stocks/bonds, land or vehicles, please contact Pastor BJ and he will get you all set up.
Much love,
Pastor Dan